Generally, not a fan.
I find that Shanghai Cowgirl is a place for hipsters to go and chow down on nostalgic comfort food like Grilled Cheese. The grilled cheese here tasted like it was made with Kraft Singles. Maybe this is just hipster nostalgia/irony and I am missing the joke.
Every time I've eaten here, I've never found the food to be anything special. The service has always seemed to be aloof and disinterested in anything but their next audition.
Am I being a massive bitch here? I just don't really dig this place. I know a lot of people do, and that's cool. I find there's nothing new on their menu and the comfort foods they do are not much compared to some of the other places around town. Nothing seems fresh and inspired and I understand that diner food isn't necessarily supposed to be, but Between the greasy sandwiches, perogies, burgers, all day brekky and the three noodle dishes available, I'm thinking that I may be better off cook at home. It seems like all flash and no substance.
Just not for me.