Another mixed bag.
This Salvation Army location (located a half-block away from the corner of Dixie and Dundas) has been here for a long time. A real LONG time. I remember visiting this place sometime in the early 00's, and from what I recall, the place hasn't changed a bit.
This place has more in common with the dearly-departed Goodwill that used to be a couple blocks down the road than anything. Both had/have the feeling of being massively overstocked, minimally maintained and their staffers sporting a certain malaise about the whole thing. As is the usual for a lot of thrift stores, this place is surprisingly big, to the point of being cavernous.
When I came here yesterday, I was struck by how chintzy the place felt. It doesn't feel like anything's really sorted, there's rows upon rows of tacky knick-knacks, and a bunch of DVD's were laid out haphazardly at the front of the store. The only thing I saw that was more interesting than other S.A. locations was the silent auction, which took up much more room and was framing a shelf full of notable second-hand books.
Otherwise, this location is likely not a place I'll be going back to. I just wish these stores would modernize a bit more. I feel like I step into a time capsule and go back to the 90s whenever I visit one.