This review is solely for my husband and my experience at the cheese station. Don't bother going there on a weekday between 530-6p. There's an older Asian lady, from her accent I believe she's filapino. This is the 2nd time my husband and I had an issue here with her. She seems very welcoming and nice when she greets customers but when we asked her for a slice of the block of cheese she is all frazzled because she "has to clock out" my husband and I arrived at 540 was greeted by the filapino cheese lady and we asked for a half lb of cheese. she immediately said there were some already presliced but they were super small .10-.15lbs when we specifically asked for half lb of cheese. we watched her go to the meat station asking for them to call for assistance because she has to clock out so apparently she's off at 6pm. 20mins is plenty of time for her to slice a block of cheese for us but she continued to pace around the area asking for her coworkers to find someone else to help us. She then started moving things around like the garbage can And then attempted to grab the brick of cheese we requested & opened it up. She then kept touching her face, ears, pen, scrap paper, pacing all over the place and all we wanted was a DAMN slice of cheese. I was immediately grossed out seeing her touch the garbage and dirty cardboard boxes and then my cheese talk about CONTAMINATION !!!! I asked her to put on a new pair of gloves before she touches the block of cheese. My husband and I were reluctant to even purchase this cheese and was about to leave. We were seriously running out of patience and didn't want this lady to ruin our wine and cheese night we had planned. Finally 20mins later helped arrived his name was skyler he immediately took over and this lady left without any further assistance she just took off abruptly. My block of cheese was still sitting there for the past 20mins. Thank god for Tyler he took over and sliced up our cheese in seconds for us and apologized for his coworker & even gave us a free one to make up for this ridiculousness of his coworker. He got us outta there within less than 2 minutes!!! If that filapino lady wouldve just done her job she would've been able to make us happy and still have time b4 it was her time to "clock out"!