This past week my boyfriend and I had a horrible experience at Riverview Toyota... we dropped off my boyfriend's truck for service and on our way home we notice after picking up the truck that our Oakleys were missing from truck. Right away I called the shop and let them know. For the past 2 days we have been going back inforth with about our glasses. I even talk to the Service Director and he said they reviewed the cameras... nothing shows anyone stole anything BUT mention if my services guys wanted to steal something in the truck why didn't they take the item in Best Buy bag that had a receipt plus there is no camera in my truck to prove they didn't take it when driving the truck... but also how would they know their was a receipt in the bag unless they were digging around and I mention that to him, than he says I'm putting words in his mouth and he said he assume the receipt was in the bag. I was also told by the same guy they get told $1000 are stolen from the cars too but most of the time people were lying.. I told him I'm not wanting money I'm just wanting our glasses back. We even got a chance to talk to our Sales Rep and he mention that some of the services guys are shady... Finally today they said to come pick out spy glasses from there services dept... Thru out the drama... We never got "I'm sorry" from them but basically we're liars... and was told take your new glasses - take your business somewhere else.