I give such a poor rating because an employee. I frequent this store because its such a treat for my children. But every time we go there is a terribly rude and disrespectful employee. She openly rolls her eyes and puts her gloved hand on her hip if u take a sec. She had a little hissy fit! Im not joking a hissy fit when I forgot to order a sprinkle donut in the drive through. She flipped up the box hystericly tilted her head and exclaimed. So you did want it! Then most recently my 6yr old was trying to decide on what oreo donut she wanted when the same girl slammed down our box n shouted next to the lady behind us n put her gloved hand on her waist as if we were desterbing her from sleep in her o wn home!!! I wanted to kill her. This is a perfectly behaving child. In fact its MY child!! Any how this girl is blond with a tacky tattoo ring on her finger. I cant understand how a company would allow such disgusting behavior. No one needs to be disrespected and humiliated like that. Especially when just starting the day. What a way to ruin it. Because of her I wouldn't mind paying the extra 6$ to go to starbucks n buying them those rediculous cake pops. To the disrespectful employee. Lets hope u dont catch me on a bad day!