| - Consistency is the name of the game when it comes to restaurants and unfortunately for Doublyday's, it's not theirs. When Doubleday's gets their burgers right they are hard to beat for the price. For $5 you get a 1/4 lb burger and unlimited toppings (I usually go with an onion ring, lettuce, tomato, american cheese, and their creole mayo). They have specially crafted burgers for a few dollars more, but again, you can basically make them on your own using their free toppings menu. The fries, which are ala carte, are really good. Think mix between the flavor of Arby's fries and the physical characteristics of McDonalds. Also their onion rings are great.
When Doubleday's gets their burgers wrong, they are really wrong and make you regret wasting your precious lunch hour in their bar. It seems like their most common error is over cooking the sh*t out of their patties. That being said if the waitress gives me the opportunity I always order mine to be done to medium because they inevitably over cook it a bit. The burgers being left on the grill way too long often times results in a long wait for your food, and as anyone with a limited lunch break knows, this is infuriating CRAZY.
I've been to Doubleday's about 5 times and it's been split 2 times good, 3 times bad. I give this place 3 stars because I WANT Doubleday's to be better and more consistent. As a fan of cheap, divey places, I look to this to be my downtown, dimly lit hole in the wall where I can duck into for a break from my fluorescent office life. SHAPE UP DOUBLEDAY's.