The bottom line is this apartment is an old apartment complex which charges cheaper rent for a larger space. It's cheap but you pay for what you get.
Now negative.. they use parcel pending aka the worst mail pickup service ever. Essentially for a 20 dollar fee they have a tiny set of lockers that hold items. However there are not enough large lockers or lockers big enough for large packages PERIOD. You will have fun constantly getting your big packages not delivered and struggle through the redeliver process over and over again until your head explodes from frustration and you go to the post office to lug your huge package home yourself. Thanks for nothing Spectrum. And no the apartment complex does not care to hold your items. Suggestion: hold residents items in addition to parcel pending. It's not that hard and would greatly improve service and not piss off your residents.
Other negatives are missing equipment in gyms, broken grills, closed pools, broken hot tubs.
Bottom line if I want to live in a shoddy apartment with poor service it is cheaper than other apartments in town. However I am moving after my lease is up.