| - the overriding theme in this review will be: CAN I LIVE??
this would have been my second visit to this establishment, because I really enjoyed their chili for $7. I loved putting their pickles in it the first time I ever ate there - the ONLY time I ever ate there. last night's encounter made me lose my appetite, literally.
I had a craving for said chili and said pickles. I walked over since I was downtown already. I came to this stupid, fucking container park for specifically THIS reason - to get chili and pickles. but as soon as I walk in, I'm harassed/embarrassed by two dudes standing on the patron-side of the counter. the one on the left seemed normal, and probably embarrassed, too, to be seen with his other friend on the right, who was a total douche.
I know Tony Hseih "built this city" so we could all "collide" and be friends, but sometimes I just want to order some dinner and go home. no, I don't want to have a stop-and-chat. no, I don't want to talk about my camera and what pictures I take with it. i'm glad you think my jacket is really cool, and that's lovely, but please stop talking to me. CAN I LIVE?
Clearly, I'm the coolest female walking around downtown - I dress well, have that 'New Yorker vibe' (apparently?), and ride a bicycle - but that doesn't mean you have the right to accost me, especially when I, and someone running the establishment, asks you politely - and multiple times - to leave the customer alone.
how many times do I have to ask you to stop speaking to me? why do I have to answer your questions, protector of the counter? if you already ordered, can you move aside so I can order? I guess the guy on the left assumed (incorrectly) that they were all hitting on me. he actually said, "just so you know, we're all gay." to which I replied, "okay? cool? you assume i care. why does this matter? all i want is dinner." my body language and overall demeanor says, "please. stop. I don't want any attention at all, I'm just hungry." forgive me for 'looking cool,' but that doesn't mean I don't deserve the respect of being left alone when asked.
I actually said this, too, but no matter. sigh. to be fair, the guy behind the counter was trying to get him to stop, but no luck, either. even though he told them if he lost a customer because of them, he'd kick their ass, the douche didn't stop. I actually lost my appetite entirely because of this guy and left.
pork 'n beans: your food is good, though slightly overpriced. I know it's not your fault - you are paying astronomical rent to be in a shipping container that Tony Hseih probably got for free somewhere on the coast of Cali. and because he touched this once-meth-ridden-land with his golden dick, it is now stupid amounts of money for anyone to "collide" with each other. however, I was willing to pay again to eat there and be a returning customer. I know you don't choose your clientele, and I know this isn't your fault, but man, CAN I LIVE??