Synergy is probably one of the best places you can go honestly. I started vaping back in August and didn't know a whole lot. I bought my starter ego kit and sure enough, not long after I quit smoking, it was a miracle. I was so determined that I would never quit smoking because I was so addicted/ loved my everyday cigarettes. Once I started vaping I got curious and interested, I started going to synergy over and over again just trying out new juices and different atomizers/cartomizers. I quickly moved up to the ego-c twist (highly recommended for beginner vapors - you too will quickly want to try it out) and loved it. I smoked that for a few months and contrary to what I read about them, mine never died out or ever had a single stutter after heavy vape usage. I then began to tinker with rebuildables and mech-mods (mechanicals). Even though I hadn't purchased my initial mod there they still helped me and provided me with more information than I could ever project a store to give without a fee. I highly recommend synergy vapor labs, having being that I'm on my way to being a vape-enthusiast I've tried juices and different products just about anywhere within miles of the phoenix area. They literally use the highest grade ingredients in all of their products unlike some competitors and its all US based which makes it all the more better. Sure they might charge slightly more than some competitors but wouldn't you be willing to pay the few extra pennies to assure you're putting the safest of ingredients in your body? Anyone who is even contemplating quitting smoking or wanting to look for a safer alternative just head over to Synergy. The manager will be able to answer any questions you may have, they're experts and by far more knowledgeable than anyone I've yet to come across. Thumbs up to you guys over at Synergy, you rock and thanks for all the help and support you've given me with my new vape hobby!