Do not waste your money and get your hair butchered. My wife went here for a simple trim and they couldn't perform this basic request, they took the end of her hair and cut it, then charged her full price. I requested a stylist that was great with men's hair. The "men's specialist" needed direction for a basic men's haircut, she wanted to sue the buzzer for the whole cut, it took her 20 minutes to get the back of my neck straight, she left a random patch of hair over my cowlick 3 times as long as the rest of my hair and charged me $30. I knew the stylist had no idea how to cut men's hair so I assumed she left the hair over my cowlick extra long because she didn't know it was a cowlick and probably thought it was a bald spot. I called back the next day to have that patch fixed, the stylist was only in twice a week and she wasn't in. I asked if someone else could fix it quick and the secretary told me that it couldn't be done because the stylists rent space at the salon, the salon doesn't take responsibility of any of their stylist and that another stylist would charge me another $30 to cut the patch of hair. This place is run like garbage and does garbage work for too much money.