"Cindy" gave me my mani-pedi (the worst of my life). Here are the problems: 1. She had an itch and took out the tool they use to put dots and decorations on nails and scratched her nose with that. I'm not kidding. 2. She used the nail file to remove a considerable amount of nail polish from my toes when she should have used acetone/nail polish remover. 3. She used the nail file on the TOP part of my fingernail when she should have used the clippers to trim the nail, which was split. She was aggressive with this and argued with me when I asked her to stop and tried to redirect her to the buffer instead, "It's good for you." 4. They don't sterilize their equipment. 5. She didn't use a base coat on my toes. 6. She lightly smoothed lotion with the pumice stone over the heel/sole of my foot when I declined the up-sell for the chemical that removes callouses. I could barely feel it and it was an overt waste of lotion/pumice stone use. I laughed uneasily and looked around. Was I being punked? 7. Wimpiest leg/foot/hand/arm massage in the HISTORY.OF.EVER. 8. She missed one thumb and both big toes when applying cuticle remover and she forgot to use the cuticle pusher on one thumb. Also the worse cuticle trim I've ever had. I can paint my own nails, the only reason I ever even GET a manicure is for the nice cuticle trim you get from it. 9. Another nail tech (really pains me to call him that) sat down at the station next to me and was eating, really noisy and sloppy sounding. I'm facing him because I have to: I am directed to dry my fingers in front of the fan. He is eating grapes, the kind with seeds. And yes you guessed it: spitting the seeds out and putting them on the workstation right next to me. I could go on but do I really need to?