This is my last resort. Lower that Friday's. Sorry Chili's but in my early college years you were my best friend, but now.... Meh....blah....yeah. My husband is a burger guy so he talked me into going after a trip to Costco. I thought I was safe with the new Avocado Burger. Apparently not. Shouldv'e stuck to the Chicken Crispers that got me through school before I learned to cook. First, the waitress didn't ask how I wanted the burger cooked so I guess "Tire" is the norm. Hard and overcooked, but hungry and not in the mood I scarfed it down. No flavor or sauce, very bland. Even the brownie sundae at the end couldn't cheer me up. It was UNDER cooked, as soon as I put my fork in it, i realized they forgot to cook it. The outside held up but inside was just batter. Ugh. Things I do for my husband.