smoothies tasted great but their CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS!!! omg!!! i usu. never bother to make angry reviews but damn, i was just so pissed at this location. me & my cousin went in there the other day and some as$h0Le looking teenager walks to the register and just stands there looking at us like we were inconveniencing by waiting for our order...i'm NOT exaggerating here folks and i know i'm a polite customer so i didnt say anything...let it go...i still didnt know what to order so i heard his stupid ass sighed like damn i was taking forever. this fcker didnt even bother to greet us either, not one hello or even a smile!!! that's fine and all but he looked so bored and his co-worker, some other teen aged girl looked rude too. thank God the smoothies were good, otherwise i would have been more pissd. i will NOT come back to this location, w/ their attitudes like that, they can go fck themselves.