| - You've missed breakfast, you're busy all morning going from place to place, you're about to miss lunch, as a matter of fact your feeling a bit light headed, and as you're driving down Shea Blvd. you see Dickey's Barbecue Pit. Ya think, I've gotta stop or I'm going to pass out at the wheel. Good idea? Let's see.
Look's ok from the outside. Walking in I realize the place is appropriately named. Seems a bit dirty; a table of construction workers sit in one side of the pit while a lone businessman sits on the other. It's lunchtime right? I go to the counter where a man and a woman employee are talking. I wait and wait...I don't want to be rude, I know they see me, I think they understand that I'm a potential customer. Already I'm getting this feeling that I'm interrupting something, but hey I'm starving, how bad can it be.
REAL BAD! The meat was cold, the mac cheese was gross, and the fried okra was actually good, explains why the plate was full of it. I ate the cold meat, and as much okra as I could without feeling stuffed, there was a good serving left on the plate. I merely touched the mac whatever it was, I later felt sick from that mere touch and now I'm still having nightmares about it.
Without a doubt it was the worst meal I've ever had, and I've had many, many bad ones. Definite waste of eleven bucks, I don't see me going back anytime soon.