| - It is not in my DNA to write thank you notes or swimming pool reviews via Yelp on house calls when called upon to do so. However, when I do write a thank you review it's gotta be something that is unique with a glaring point of difference and needs to be shared with others. Called Cool Pools Service & talked to Aaron(owner)where I laid out my issues of leaking water connections, Jandy valves, pumps, in essence the system was a total disaster and virtually on life support, after 30 long years of loyalty. Aaron listens to your concerns and takes a genuine and professional interest in all endeavors of his unselfish discipline to help all his customers at Cool Pools Service. Give him a plumbing problem, or any other swimming pool issue, and he will lay out and walk you thru the solution of the problem in a calm like and professional manner that makes you and your immediate swimming pool crises a stress free experience. Here's where Aaron(owner)shines the most: The guy's a genius. His technical skills will leave you aghast and pleasantly pleased to have him on your property doing what he knows best: Walking away from any job knowing his work is as perfect as it gets and his customer is 100% satisfied. I might ad that Aaron hand picks the best possible team to do the job best suited to his customer's needs. To watch one of his associates work in the field, such as pete, is sheer joy to watch, too. 100%+ Professionalism. Aaron and Pete both compliment each other when they work side by side. Aaron is a very knowledgable and versatile person relating to the skills and dynamics of electricity, water analysis, water component dynamics of pressure and equalization of pressure flow within the system, geology, etc. The guy's a genius and,for what it's worth, you need someone who keeps up with the technical skills so that the customer does not have him come back again for something that should have been right the first time. So Cudos to all at Cool Pools Service for helping with this stressful day of plumbing issues for being in such great spirits and high level of enthusiasm and confidence exhibited by all.
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