| - This store is close to my house, so I've spent quite a bit of time and money here. I can forgive the all out brawl I witnessed in the parking lot. I can even get over the fact that panhandlers hang out in their parking lot and aggressively beg for money. My experience today was the last straw.
I pulled up to the pharmacy window to drop off a prescription. I thought I had lucked out because I was the only car there, and typically the line is a few cars long; they're always short-staffed, it seems. After waiting for service for 15 mins, I honked my horn once. Not a lean-on-the-horn, a-hole move, a single honk. Out of nowhere, a pharm tech pops her head up and puts her finger up at me to indicate that i needed to wait. So, I continue waiting. She finally opens the window, takes a look at my prescription and tells me they don't have the medicine I need, and the soonest they will is Friday (three days from now). So, I tell her I'll pick it up Friday. She closes the window. I pull forward and decide I'll just go to another pharmacy. So, I park my car and walk inside to ask for my prescription paper back.
I get to the drop off window within the pharmacy, and the same girl I speaking with is either telling someone or quite possibly talking to herself aloud about how people need to wait and stop rushing her because they're getting on her nerves. She spots me and immediately looks like a deer in the headlights. I get my prescription back and leave. I guess this is really my fault for continuing to visit this store despite poor service and long waits.