Beautiful View. Horrible Loud Music Spoils the entire property.
We wasted half a day and $70 on lunch only to have the entire afternoon spoiled by Michael Jackson's greatest hits blasting throughout the property at the same time our food was placed on our table. Such poor judgement by this property's manager.
A chubby little kid and his parents booked the pool for a private party and CopperWynd ruined the experience for all the other patrons present by allowing this family of 5 to blast Michael Jackson songs over their loud speaker system during brunch. Then the obnoxious brats in the pool started screaming. Imagine trying to enjoy your weekend brunch at a "resort" that resembled someone's block party instead of an upscale resort. Every patron on the patio at Flourish had to sit through this. Totally unacceptable. We'd have never ordered lunch here had we known.
My boyfriend says the property must be in dire distress to lower themselves to having a low-class party like this that spoiled the property for everyone else DURING WEEKEND BRUNCH. He may be right.
Horrible experience. There are too many other nice resorts in the area that would never do this. Knowing we might not be safe from crap like this if we came back, we won't be returning.