The atmosphere this place has gives me claustrophobia and it's very dark. It's fairly closed off and the place looks kind of run down. This place as you can see it's run bye a korean person and the service is just as I expected ( The korean culture is very nitpicking and very straight forward ) so the service does come out kid of rude, so i expected it. So please try to understand they are not trying to be rude to you, they just are. But it's the only place to eat ( jjajang myun) or black bean noodles here in Arizona. The noodles aren't that bad and it's fairly somewhat better than some i have had in LA
I would give it four stars the food, 3 stars for the service ( Just to let you know even though i fully understand the culture, i just still think it's a BS way to treat costumers) btw i am korean
2 stars for the interior
So i have to say 3 stars but i will be coming back to update this review