| - First off, Dope Vapor does not sell starter kits as they only sell mechanical mods and rba's. So in my opinion, this isn't a bad thing, nor is it a good thing. For those who want to quit cigarettes, yes you get the full satisfying flavor and throat hit you can ask for, it's not expensive per say(as they sell replicas and clones), but it might be a little over someone's budget to just see if it'll really work for for them to kick the cigarettes.
They have 10 to 12 flavors, all of which are sweet. I don't mind this, but someone looking for a good tobacco or subtle flavor might think otherwise. Since i drip my juices, i sat down and tested the sample bottles. The way Dope Vapor lets you test their flavors are also by using a mech mod and rda, which is awesome because everyone knows or should know dripping brings out the flavor a lot more compared to a basic clearomizer that i see often in many other shops. Also, at the time the nicotine levels they carried were 0,3 and 6mg, most common levels for dripping. I personally like Pure Luck and Chronic Melons so give those a try if you stop by.
The person i spoke to during my visit is chill and laidback. We talked about unique coil builds he was working on and also about juices he was experimenting with. I enjoyed my time talking and tasting juices.
Prices are good, i bought 5 juices and it came out to $25 + tax. the juices are 10ml each so 50ml for $25 isn't shabby at all for being local. Their clone mechanical mods are decently priced, not too sure of what manufacturer they carry though. But some of them seem to be from DHgate or FastTech not too sure.
Overall, I had a pleasant experience. Staff is friendly, the shop is simple but effective. I get the fact he eliminated the starter kits so someone doesn't make the mistake of buying cheap starter kits, but maybe someone out there doesn't like big and bulky devices, or doesnt want to spend 100+(guestimating since you need a battery, charger, mod, rba and juice), and end up not liking it. Just my opinion of course. 4/5 stars Keep it up guys.