The Poptopia at Yonge & Dundas is a total ripoff. First, the customer service was absolutely awful. The girl at the cash had no idea what she was doing and seemed like she was under the influence of something because everything she did was in slow motion. The manager ended up having to complete the order and she wasn't much better. There was literally no line and it took nearly 10 minutes to get two popcorns! As for the popcorn itself- a complete and utter rip off. We bought the Star Wars promo tin as a Christmas treat for my little brother and we were very disappointed when the tin wasn't even for the newest film in the franchise, but instead just a leftover from last years Rogue One. It didn't even have a matching lid - we had to settle for a Wonder Woman lid. If that wasn't enough, upon trying the popcorn we realized that it was not only stale, but the Chicago style had next to no caramel and the kettle corn was saturated with kernels! We could have bought a bag of popcorn from the corner store for a small fraction of the cost and the quality would be MUCH better than what we got at Poptopia for $30. I don't mind paying a premium but I at least expect good service and fresh popcorn with properly branded tins! As a result, I will not buy popcorn from you again because this experience was an insult.