| - WARNING!!!! Do NOT use this company unless you want to pay someone else hundreds of dollars to do the work over again properly. At first we were very happy with dealing with this company but there were so many problems I don't know where to begin. First after the tiling job was done in our bathroom, we were notified the job was done... Only to see the wrong tile had been laid!!! Although the problem was quickly corrected without any charge to us, we arrived home to find the crew had been cutting tile in the back of the garage close to the door - to be more convenient for them of course. The result was gritty tile dust on EVERY surface of the house, all the new furniture and new carpet, blinds, lights, clothes - everywhere. I immediately called to complain and was told the crew had NOT cut tile near the open door. Although the owner was not at my house during the job and could not know this for sure he was adamant this had not happened but agreed to send a cleaning lady the next day. However, there was fine dust all over everything we owned, including the bed which you could write your name on, in dust. Waiting a day and sleeping on a bed filled with gritty tile dust was not an option.
So we cleaned it ourselves which took 8 hours to hand wash all tile flloors, wash all bedding, and every item of clothing in the closet as everything we had to wear was coated in grey tile dust. The crew even used our brand new step ladder to stand with their dirty boots in our shower and drop globs of grout onto it, so we got to scrub that too.
Then we found out from the neighbor across the street that he had seen the crew doing exactly what we thought - cutting tile in the back of the garage near the door - for several days which confirmed we knew what had happened.
Now, just 18 months later, we see the carpet we had done at the same time is rippling in the main bedroom and there are gaps in the underlay where it was either cut unevenly or the installer stopped 2-4 inches short of the doorways, so now a very clear ridge and depression can be seen where the carpet dips to the gap in the underlay.
We have now had to hire a company to come and stretch the ripples out of the carpet and lay strips of underlay at every edge where carpet meets tile in the house, for an extra cost to us of HUNDREDS of dollars.
Between the wrong tile being laid, 8 hours of cleaning, damage to our property and incompetence with laying carpet ( which is not rocket science) I regret ever hiring this company in the first place and urge anyone who is considering hiring them to look elsewhere.