| - Buffalo Exchange is always a fun, interesting place to stop in to and look for some good bargains on quality gently-used clothes, shoes and assorted trinkets for yourself. Located on 7th St and Osborn conveniently next to one or our favorite haunts, Taco Guild, you can almost always find something of interest. If you're patient and willing to shuffle through the multitude of racks of t-shirts, shirts, jeans, jackets and other assorted items you may just find that perfect thing you didn't know you wanted at a ( "Really? Only this much?" ) good price. The folks who work there are always friendly and look like they're having a good time being there. The store is clean, well-maintained ( very much UN-like, say, the zoo that is Last Chance Clearance Store on Camelback... ), generally just fun to wander through for a bit. It's definitely a regular destination when looking for some new, cool duds.