Really cool little museum. My 19 month old loved it!
We got there early so played in the park next door, walked across 5 mins before opening time and the kind staff let us in early :)
First room was filled with stuffed real animals (I know there's a name for that but I can't remember) it was cool for me to see these animals so up close too. They were huge!!! My son was scared, ahaha he was so cute. But I could see him staring at the zebra and the lion because we have those animals in his safari book at home. I wish I could show you his expression, it was priceless!
The main part for us was the dinosaur room. I kept pressing the "sound" button just so I could see the surprised look on my son's face! The dinosaurs would move their heads up and down and growl which would make my son hide behind my legs! So cute!
This museum is very small but if you're in Vegas with kids, it's a must. I would definitely recommend to other parents!