| - I have a hard time deciding what to write about Angels Trumpet, not being a fan of beer, it's hard to give any of the breweries around town a fair shake. On their menu they've got items like spam sliders, home made pop tarts, flatbread pizza. Their beer menu is lovingly written on chalkboards around the bar and there's a huge ton amount of them; a real measurement BTW, look it up in any engineering book, if you can't find it right away, just keep looking.
Again, while we've already established I don't really love beer, I have partook from time to time, it's unavoidable when all your friends are doin it ;-)
I do enjoy their tasty salads, have sampled a number of other items from the menu and have never experienced anything I wouldn't order again; except for maybe that weird dessert pizza thing. It's like a big mixture of things from around your kitchen that you would make and scarf down when you've had one or two-welve to many. I love the hip downtown atmosphere and it's a great spot to gather with friends or randomly run into them, cause everyone is usually already there.
Happy Yelping Phoenix!