Omei? O my! This is a royal seafood feast!! All those giant crustaceans in the tank ready to be served in a variety of ways! My family and I have been here several times and the food never disappoints. The last time were there we ordered both a lobster and a crab - both enormous! The both came to say hello, crawled on our table for a few seconds and off they went to the back. The different ways they are cooked in have already been described in previous posts, so I won't get into that. All you have to know is that you will not leave hungry, far from it, and it is all delicious. Even the tomalley gets it's own dish (yes I LOVE the green stuff inside the crustacean's shell). After dinner is the parade of desserts ... so many different kinds!!
So ... why 4 stars? I guess I could give it 4.5 but sometimes the service there is just plain awful, yet the food is sooooo good, I won't dock them that much.