I came here only because I was in town visiting my Mom and she was able to get me in with her nail gal for a mani and also with her hairstylist for a quick bang trim. First of let me say the salon really is gorgeous and everyone from the receptionists to everyone else I came in contact with were really sweet.
I saw Joyce for my bangs - OMG. OMFG. I've had bangs most of my life and have generally been annoyed and unhappy with them. She trimmed them in a way I'd never seen before and I was instantly in love. When I got my hair done the other day I had to tell my hairdresser to finish it off with the vertical cut because after months of my own trims (and totally nailing it btw) it had finally gotten too far out of whack. How silly that a change in angle of scissors can make a girl so happy. My bangs fell into place every day up until last week (when I knew I had a hair apt on the horizon) on their own with no need to attempt to flat iron them into submission. LOVE them.
Marty, Martie? did my nails - and supposedly she's about the same age as my Mom but sadly looks much more aged. She's a sweetie but I felt a bit awkward with her and she refused to cut my nails as short as I wanted because "they were too nice." My Mom wouldn't let me file them down when I left either because she didn't want me to ruin it. Hello...yes you made the appointment but I paid for it! So needless to say the minute I arrived back in town I immediately headed for the clippers. I wouldn't say it was an awful job but I didn't think it was worth the $25 or whatever it was either.
I was recently back in AZ and was hoping to be rescued by Joyce again but alas, she was out for a family emergency :-(