Our local Cerritos, CA Mimi's has experienced such a severe decline in service, menu choices and quality of food that I didn't have great expectations here.
WRONG, Wrong, wrong . . .
Our waitress, Amanda #4030, got it all right.
Good menu choices. Grandson ate first. Hungry and restless he devoured his pancakes. The majority of us followed with lunch choices from Caesar's Salad to pancakes to bouillabaisse to tomato bisque to French onion soup and assorted sandwiches. All delicious.
Attentive service. Amanda kept the drinks filled and her presence visible. She positioned a portable cradle at the end of our table so my daughter could eat while attending her infant. Fits any make or model carrier. Looks like this
Our late arrival joined us at the end of our meal. Amanda was right there with her meal and drink, tout d' suite.
Thank you, Amanda, for taking good care of a group of weary travelers.