We have taken our dogs there for a little over a year now and it has always been great. They have stayed as long as two weeks and we have never had a problem. This last weekend we were out of town and we were not even an hour outside of town when I got a call saying that our dogs had been in a fight. Our dogs are fine together but not when they are closed in small spaces and there is food present. When we dropped them off, we let them know that they had to be in separate runs which we paid for (they have a cheaper rate when you combine the dogs into one run). One of our dogs got into the other dogs run. They say he chewed through the chain link and climbed over the cinder block wall, not sure how that happened but anyway, the Inn called to tell me about it and to offer to take them to the vet.....for a fee!! Plus we would have to pay the vet bill when number one on their contract is that they will keep "animals safely enclosed"! When we went to pick them up we still paid the boarding fee, after all when you eat at a restaurant and the food is bad you still have to pay, but when we said we wanted to talk to someone about covering the vet bill, they said they would try and get in touch with the owner but that he was touring Asia. It has been about 4 days since this first happened, 24 hours since we picked the dogs up and we are taking our dog to the vet for multiple stitches, a drainage tube in his neck, meds and then first thing tomorrow we are filing against them. While the girls there seem to love our dogs, any place that can't secure their animals and then refuses to pay the medical bill for their failure is unacceptable. It is a risk I am not willing to take ever again.