Simply divine! Went to the last show last night (I have been 3 previous times) and it was the best Bette yet. She Mentioned that she sang for the queen (of England LOL) this past year and she was asked to do a Beetles tune. She performed "In My Life" with Jake Shimabukuro accompanying her on ukelele, so that was a treat for someone(MOI) from Hawaii, then Gladys Knight showed up and serenaded her (&us) with "The Way We Were". Bette cried. During a regular part of her act that she talks about various LV entertainers including Donny & Marie across the street and uses the "F" word (in a funny way) ......anyway, during this bit...Marie Osmond came running down the aisle and teased Bette about her liberal use of the "F" word. Bette was shocked and it threw off her show a tiny bit, but was so cool. Celine Dion did a filmed sendoff for Bette that was lovely and did I say Bette cried and we cried along with her. In this economy, there will be no new extravagant production like this any time soon. Las Vegas is a little darker tonight. Love you Miss M. You truly are divine sweetheart!