| - Sadly this is one of those places that just can't seem to get their act together.
I mean on paper The Central looks great. Two stories high, two patios, and lots of different bands and comedy shows. They could be like a Baby-Tranzac. Heck they even have cheap drink specials every week. $4.50 pints on a Friday night? Having said that, nothing that I have seen here in the sense of food would ever inspire me to eat here.
However the bands are horribly advertised, same goes with their other shows which some of them could be quite good, but you would never find out about them if you go by their spartan, never updated website.
So whenever I have been there I have had the impression that most people in attendance are not actual customers but family/friends of the bands/acts themselves. I brought a number of people to the Strip Comedy a few weeks ago. A show where bad jokes are rewarded with the comedians having to strip a piece of clothing...! Although the premise is unique and well, funny, most of the comedians were embarrassingly bad so the entire show is about half-cooked -plus in case you were asking, most are not worth seeing even remotely naked.
Plus on the previous show two of my guests got heckled by a sad "comedian" just because we would not laugh at his horrible jokes. The hostess of that show apologized for his rudeness but still this does not speak well for the venue in general.
Also, you get the vibe that this place is very disorganized. For example, a while ago, I was there with 8 friends, we had been drinking for hours, having a blast when all of the sudden --and without warning, we were being asked to pay if we wanted to stay, since a band, that had not been advertised --as I checked their website (which generally is awfully outdated both in design and calendar listings) was about to perform and wanted their money. We were like, "we have blown through some cash here and now you are telling us to pay up or leave?" Yup. So we walked out. Went down to the bar at the end of the street.
Would I come here again? Maybe during the Summer for a quick pint outside in the patio where I would not get charged to get in case they had a band or if there was a large party already happening. However Victory Cafe down the street falls under the same lines in decour yet it is superior in almost every way.