I have never been this grossed out!
I ordered for delivery the bento box and basil chili chicken. Let's start with the basil chicken: saucy and bland. Not a fan of the stuff.
Bento box: comes with tempura, beff and brocoli and teriaki chicken as the main dish. Sides are sushi, miso soup and salad.
The main dish was microwaved, saugy and undercooked. The shrips were RAW! How dare you serve raw food! If I wanted a microwaved meal, I would of gotten out and bought a f**** tv dinner. 16$ for this crap? HARD PASS.
The miso soup was full of ROTTEN seaweeds, I didn't even touch the stuff. The salad was iceberg salad and a few slices of cucumber with a splash of vinegrette. The sushi was 3 pieces of futomaki and 2 hosomaki. The only thing about the meal that was okay is the avocado hosomaki (not fresh).
In total, I paid (with tip) 42$ for stuff that would be better off in the garbage.
If I could give lower than 1 star I would. Truly revolting.