Red Light Wing Chun - Testimonial
Written after 1 month of training.
I relocated into Phoenix and after settling in I found myself with some free time that I didn't want to spend idling or in front of the television. I considered joining a gym even utilizing a free two day pass from LA Fitness after barely surviving the bombardment of their sales personal. It took two visits to realize how disinterested I was and came to the conclusion that no amount of extravagance can mask the lack of regiment and support essential for a training facility.
Afterwards, I considered a boxing/kick boxing gym but was unavailable to find one to meet my open schedule. After complaining to my office manager about being bored in Phoenix, She suggested After navigating thru the local meet-ups I came across one about Wing-Chun. It was a martial art I was interested in and never had the opportunity to experience. I had no reason not to go.
I had a bit of a difficult time finding the place and I did not realize that the meet-up was set-up by a Wing-Chun instructor in a Martial Arts School. It was hidden away inside a building with no way to tell it apart from the outside world. The only sign is some lettering on the door. Its far from your ordinary store front display, big sign martial arts school and even farther from the flamboyance of your corporate fitness centers.
The meet-up had people of various ages and skill level scheduled at 2pm every third Saturday of the month. It was enough to realize that this was a legitimate school with an instructor who is informed in health and fitness in having a background in physical training, experienced in Wing-Chun with a level five certification, and the keen sense of awareness to pick up the subtle errors in form while being personable in communicating the proper technique to the individual. I signed up that day and have been dedicated since. The meet-up is also an opportunity to get pointers on technique from the instructors brethren from the school they originated from which I found to be valuable bonus.
The curriculum is staggered with the intention of focusing on one aspect of the art per month, broken up into 12 categories where the cycle completes and repeats after a year. There are students who have told me that they have learned during the second cycle more than the first. There is also the intent of gaining exposure of all aspects of the art within a year. The classes are evenings on weekdays and one on Saturday morning not including the two hour bonus every third Saturday afternoon. Once signed up you are entitled to unlimited classes which is rare to find in any school now-a-days.
There will be bruises, especially on the fore-arms. Part of the pain in "no-pain, no gain". After a while they feel like badges of accomplishment. Eventually your body will harden and they will become less frequent. Im starting to miss them already.
I have met new friends although it feels more like a family. I have lost body fat and gained muscle in areas I have not been utilizing transforming into a more tone and proportionate body. I have learned techniques in self-defense all while maintaining interest and having fun. My pains from past surgeries are a rare occurrence now and Red Light may have helped me reach my physical prime.
I find the potential benefit far out-weighs the costs. I find myself very fortunate to have encountered this opportunity in my life and fore-see years enveloped in this system before losing interest, as there is so much to learn.
Thanks to Grandmaster Ip-Man for adding to the establishment of this art and teaching it to others where it eventually found its way into our lives. May he be at peace and may we represent him in a good manner.