| - I wanted to purchase a specific item from Dick's as a gift, and it ended up becoming an exercise in futility! I logged onto this company's website and found the item I wanted, and they were advertising a 40% off sale if ordered via their website by 3 p.m. that day. I checked the store availability and they had these in stock in the store closest to me so I ordered one for in-store pickup, paid and printed out the confirmation.
At about 3:30, I got another e-mail saying my order was cancelled, because the store I tried to get it from was out of stock. Of course, I couldn't go back on Dick's website and order what I wanted from another store and get the same deep discount, as that sale was over at 3, about 30 minutes before my order was cancelled.
I called the number listed on my order, the guy told me they had them in stock in Aventura in the color I wanted, he offered to give me the same 40% discount I received before, and he gave me a new order number. I drove to Aventura (about a 40 minute drive for me) and alas, they had no items for me and had no record of my order!
After leaving the Aventura store, I checked the website and found the item in another store not far away, but it said "limited availability". I decided to call Dick's to find out exactly how many they had in stock before making the drive. Surprisingly, the woman I spoke to at Dick's corporate number told me she could only see the same information I could see on the web, and that they had limited availability, but she was unable to fully confirm that they were in stock or exactly how many they had. Really? In 2018? Really??
Luckily I found what I needed at the 3rd Dick's store I visited, but wow, what an exercise in futility and frustration! A website that doesn't have accurate data about which stores have stock and an antiquated, somewhat useless customer service and phone sales department, crippled by the fact that they can't even tell how many of each type of items their stores have in stock. Again, with all today's available technology, this really boggles the mind..And not in a good way.