Being a long standing patron of Windsor and always loving the location, menu and drink specials I found myself to be very shocked and disappointed when my boyfriend and I went there this last Sunday night at 10:30pm hoping we could grab a snack and a drink. When we pulled at the door it was locked so we assumed we had missed our chance and through the door we heard the guy say WERE CLOSED ASSHOLE! It was shocking and rude and even if he did not know we heard him yell it out what would be the cause for him to say it? We go all the time and bring our money to the establishment and that's what they think of their patrons ?
And just for the record the hours posted on website and Yelp do say from 11 to 11 "ASSHOLE"
There are 20 Resteraunt 's in a half mile radius That I'm sure would want or loyalty and money. Don't take your patrons for granted!!!