Once we got the interweb up and running, the current wi-fi password says it all... "igotsexypower".
The Southend location (NOT Dilworth) is a different scene than the one in the Wood. Its a laidback atmosphere still, but you get more of the business casual regulars than Midwood hipsters.
The back patio is perfect for afternoon meetings. Especially since they carry a nice selection of bottled and canned (who needs anything other than an ice cold PBR tallboy, honestly?) craft and macro-brew beers to tilt back. They also have a few taps running for that tasty draft feeling. The wine selection is pretty decent as well.
If the alcoholic thing is not your style, they have pretty much any of the happening new energy style or hi-tech hydration products to satisfy your thirst.
The deli is always cranking out some tasty vittles and I am always primed for a deluxe chicken salad sandwich. I love their recipe and everything in this world is better with bacon. The prepared desserts will throw you into that fantastic sugar coma. I think there was a mocha espresso cheesecake that took me a few attempts to finish because of its richness.
For take out, its also one of the pit stops in the CLT where you can procure the ever so delectable Pasta & Provisions line. Mmmmm... fresh pasta.
Usually, CM Southend is one of the stops on the Two Wheel Tuesday tour and there are sensation beergarten parties on the back patio regularly. Enjoy!