| - First of all, service has become painfully slow. Previously, employees worked fast, but this has not been the case, over the last several visits. It will take about a half hour to get through the line, even if there is only four or five people in front of you.
Worse, however, is the overall filthiness of the cooking line. If you decide to go in, take a peek behind the line. Look at the filthiness of the kitchen equipment. Look at the amount of garbage on the floor. Look how nothing appears wiped. Everything has a greasy film over it. Also, look in the dining area. Lots of garbage under the tables. None of the tables are wiped.
I almost did not finish my meal, because I was sickened by the smell. It smelled like dirty mop water, or spoiling produce, or something.
I think this has been going on for at least a few months. Probably new management, but I conjecture.
To be honest with you, I would really stay away from this restaurant until they get their act together. Slowness is forgivable, in a restaurant. But, dirtiness in unacceptable.