Full... so... full!!
It was over 36 hours ago that I had Famous Dave's BBQ... and I'm STILL full!! I was frustrated with my so-called-friends of my so-called-LIFE! and I decided to seek a nice evening instead a drama-filled night of pulling Chinese Fire Drills on the southside of town. So I hollared at the sis and consulted Yelp to see where a great BBQ place is... Dave's was at the top of the list.
After hours and hours of texting - we were set! We got there on a Friday evening at around 7pm or so and there were several parties ahead of us, naturally. We were told it was a 25 minute wait. So we went outside to play with my new camera. Not even 15 minutes later - we were called to out table. YAY!
We sat down and I immediately started the BBQ Sauce taste test! Pouring them onto what was apparently where our used bones go. (ew) We tasted each kind and chose our favorites. Their Sweet & Zesty and Rich & Sassy (is that right?) sauces were my faves. I couldn't hang with the Geogria Mustard sauce nor could I take the devil's spit. I looove hot food, but I wasn't feeling the sauce. The Texas Pit was CRAZY-AWESOME! but it just didn't mesh well with the flavor of the bbq.
I was lobbying for The Feast the entire way there!! and YESSS... the sis and cousin agreed!! I had to ask the intertribal table battle cry... Are you HUNGRY... or are you STARVING?!?! the answer is ALWAYS starving!! haha!!
While an ENTIRE chicken, a WHOLE slab of pork ribs and half a briskit were being prepared along with our corn on the cob, cole slaw, beans, french fries & corn bread muffins... we dined on fried catfish. Seriously - I didn't dig it. I think it was the flavor of the fish itself but the sauce it came with tasted pretty rad especially when mixed with the Texas Pit sauce! :)
And then... The Feast arrived! Served on a trash can lid... that I'm PRAYING has atleast been hosed off before hitting our table! :P It was HUGE, it was beautiful! :D I'm sooo glad we ordered it! We each grabbed our tong (it came with three) and we just dug in! I had two plates of food and I was STUFFED! I was in hog heaven!! I had several ribs and the BEST briskit i ever HAD!! The meat was perfect - the biggest letdowns was in the side dishes.
The corn was obviously frozen at one time - but still good. The beans were oniony (i don't like onions) so I didn't dig 'em. the fries were VERY salty... but still good. I wish we could have had more cornbread muffins. But I MUST say - the cole slaw was probably the best I have EVER had! Crazy yummy!
At the end of the meal - we couldn't hang. There was a huge amount of chicken left and and a few ribs and a TON of fries and we didn't even touch the beans. We took home two to-go boxes and still left some food on the our trusty trash can lid. We got to the car, to-go boxes in hand and I just wanted to lower the seat and just SLEEP! It was so good!!
I will DEFINATLY be back! It was crazy yummy. There were serious smoke rings in their ribs! their sauces were tasty and had zing to spare! Their prices were a lil high. (nearly $60 for The Feast!) but it was worth EVERY penny!! I am such a fan, I cannot imagine ever venturing into Chandler Mall's food court again with Famous Dave's being just a few steps away!