I know the peeps have spoken. I know there's rave reviews about this place. But....I'm sorry....it wasn't good. I had a Frito in my burrito. No lie! I believe in food fusion, I swear I do, but fusion with my snack food? Not sure about that.
I think I'm bitter because it used to be an amazing restaurant called The Iguana Lounge. They had thee best seafood Chimichanga. They also had really great refried beans and let me tell you, I hardly EVER find good refried beans. But enough about the old...the better....
It's also pricey. You have to pay for the chips and dip (boo!) and each individual taco (double boo!). One tiny taco sets you back $6-8 bucks. Did I mention it was tiny?? I mean, I know I'm totally into American super sizing, but I can appreciate a smaller meal if it's amazing. Not so much here.
I'd spend my taco money elsewhere....like a bag of Tostito's and ChiChi's salsa!