A bit dirty, yes. Very busy? Yes. Has every movie under the sun? Just about. It always has been one of the biggest theaters, and that is what is both great about it and it's downfall.
It doesn't show just a few movies at once. It has basically every movie that's out and even still runs movies that have been out for over a month. It is gigantic. It has an arcade on one side and tickets for sale on the other with a huuuuge snack bar in the middle. Then, like wings, to the left and right are the row and rows of theaters. Well actually you go to the left or right and then you go down a hall and go to the left or right again (yes that is another snack bar!!).
In the chaos, there tends to be a lot of popcorn on the floor and some garbage. Inside the theaters it is usually clean, however. The layout is different in almost every one. Some are bigger than others and include a VIP section.
Definitely worth it to go if you are ready for a big night out!