The parking situation at this location is laughably terrible. I hope you don't drive a car larger than a Chevette! Maybe Chandler wouldn't let the owner move the retaining wall, but there's a third of an acre of landscaping and ten skinny parking spots. Ugh
Friendly yes, but the cashier didn't pay attention to what I said at all and I had to correct her four times. SMALL iced coffee, LARGE coffee, NO, not decaf, REGULAR, "it doesn't matter the price is the same sir" yes it matters because someone else is reading your screen and making me a decaf "oh sorry sir". Just listen and get the order right, can we do that? lol I'm all mad now.
The coffee I received... not good at all. Not sure what kind they gave me actually. Also there is no table to rest my stuff on while waiting for a specialty drink. Me and the guy in front of me almost dumped our flimsy boxes on the floor standing there. Can ya put a little table over there? Especially when frozen coffee takes five minutes to make.
Dunkin Donuts is eight blocks west.