Awful show. Nothing special about it. If you insist on going, don't buy a ticket as there are plenty of ways to get free tickets. I've known a lot of people who have gone, but not one who payed a cent to do so, including myself. If you go be prepared to sit through a lot of attempts at inspirational monologues from the most uninspired uninteresting man in the world (front man Justin Spencer). I know that since they formed in 1995 they haven't had quite enough time to think up enough original performance ideas to fill a 90min performance act, though what they have come up with is basically (as other reviews have noted) a bland imitation of STOMP. I know real rock bands will have breaks where they talk about stuff, maybe about something going on in the world or the origin of the next song, but you care because you came for the performers and probably care what they have to say. Probably not in the case of most ppl who see recycled percussion (chaos & confetti now) for free and knowing nothing about the performance or the performers. Justin Spencer also has a book out that unintentionally laughable, but don't waste your money on it even as a joke. In closing if you really want to see this show just YouTube their act on America's Got Talent from 7 years ago. Act hasn't changed and you wont endure the bad soap box speeches.