I went here for the Ignite After Hours event (GREAT EVENT, bad location). I don't like clubs first of all and i DON'T like egotistical bar tenders who think they can treat you like an idiot.
I had 3 drinks at Myst (the same drink) and got charged a different price by each bar tender. The first drink was $5, then the second was $6 and the last guy was the winner for douch-tarded-ness. He told me my drink was $7, but when I got the tab he ran my card for $8. WTF??? So no tip for you...Plus they are all sort of jerky...I'm not into that. You are in the customer service industry, so attempt to be nice. The first bartender I encountered was pleasant, but he disappeared after I ordered my drink. The other two thought they were God's gift and that was the end of that.
Boo you Myst, I will only come back if Ignite After Hours is there again, but not on my own accord.