How do I give NO stars? Ok, I get that it is Walmart and to some degree you have to just buck up and deal because it is going to be dirty, everyone who works there is going to by unhappy, etc. However, this Walmart hit a new Walmart low for me this week when I ordered a camera and storage card online to pick it up on this store.
The card was ready immediately, but the camera would not be ready for pickup for one week. No problem, except I received an e-mail that if I did not pickup the card with 48 hours the card would be put back on the shelf and I would be credited. So I called the store and politely explained that I would like to make only ONE trip to Walmart and asked if they could hold the card a few more days. Before I could finish, I was interrupted by a teenage boy manager and was told there was NO WAY they could hold it and that was policy, no exceptions. When I pressed him he told me I could not speak to the store manager and instead I should call Which I did, and they hung up on me. Awesome.
Bottom line: they were unhelpful and because I need the camera for work I kept the order. But that will be the last time I ever deal with Walmart.