| - I was running early for a meeting and went to The Stubbuck for a quick eggy sausagy sammidge and an iced tea.
(We all know Stubbuck's; I won't bore you with the "they sell coffee!" and "they have their own names for small, medium and large!" details, just the nuts and beans about THIS one, okey-doke?)
I grab The Times. Yeah, I was WAY early, and reading the entire Times is about the only guilty pleasure I have left. That and short-term memory loss. Oh, and reading the entire Times.
So, eggamuffin, Times, jumbo tea, but wait. She's charged me for the USA Toady, which only runs a buck, which is exactly a penny a word. I mention that I would love to pay half price but I have the recessive honesty gene, so she re-adjusts accordingly. Brings the total to Seven Thirty. Hand her a tenner. She hands me back Seven Twenty. Get out your Number 2 pencils, kids, and tell me: what simple math error are we dealing with? I looks at the money, I looks at her. I looks yet again at the money, and say "I think Homeland Security would consider this a Code Orange math mistake."
She didn't get it, so I 'splained. "The change was Two Seventy, but you reversed it. Seven Twenty." Next!
I just saved her bacon, the evil empire of coffee and my honor from a severe undercharge: two bucks eighty for an eggeroonio snack, beverage, all the news that's fit to print, and I get NO thanks? Good-night Corporate America, and all the ships at sea!
And for the love of GOD, you people in the drive-through. I understand how you have to grab that coffee and get RIGHT back home to watch more tv, but could you maybe just pause, if only for a moment, for the people who have have actually taken the time to park, walk in, order, and walk back out? I was nearly roadkill, in BOTH directions.