| - A company who has documentation that TELLS you to contact the after-hours emergency number if the AC goes out, then makes ZERO response to said call until the next day is frustrating.
More frustrating though, are the excuses.
"We don't have a tech that would go out at 10:30 at night, and my kids and I were in bed."
(The call, by the way, was made at 9:30, not 10:30. And there are a multitude of HVAC companies in the Phoenix area with 24 hour service.)
"We manage over 160 homes and have never had a tenant with an issue, it's very clear that after business hours that we will address the issue the next day."
1. It doesn't matter how many properties you mange. That's your problem, not mine.
2. Never had a tenant with an issue? Online reviews paint a very different picture. At least you can't (honestly) offer up this particular excuse ever again.
3. Nowhere that I can find is it posted that, "it's very clear that after business hours that we will address the issue the next day." There is however, documentation that REQUIRES you to contact after-hours if the AC goes out. What is the point in having an after hours number, and requiring it to be called, if it's clear you'll do nothing until the next day?
A simple response of, "We'll have someone out first thing in the morning" would have been acceptable.
This is the fourth time in as many weeks the AC has broken. Maybe this time it will really get fixed and we won't have to call the regular OR after-hours number, again.
(To the credit of the AC vendors this company uses, they did recommend on their past three visits that the unit be replaced. Maybe this time AZ Residential Management will actually listen to, and act on, the technician's recommendation.)
For those that may be thinking, "Dude, it's just air conditioning, relax" please know we're talking about a property in Phoenix. In August. Where the temp is supposed to reach 109 degrees today. It *is* a big deal. Every summer people die in Phoenix area homes without AC.