| - I needed 2 tires for my car. I had to order them since they weren't in stock and made an appointment for 2 days later to have them installed. When I arrived, they were busy but at no point did anyone mention that I would have an extended wait and I wasn't expecting an extended wait since I had an appointment and had arrived on time for it. While I was talking to the counter guy, the phone rang, which he answered. Instead of putting the caller on hold, I was forced to wait. That seemed really rude to me.
Finally, it was my turn again. I told the counter guy I wanted the tires placed on the front. Well, over an hour later, I see my car in the air with a rear tire removed. Apparently the counter guy forgot to mention that even though I'm the customer and said I wanted the tires on the front, that I don't count and they determined that it was safer for the new tires to go on the rear. I know how old my tires are and there were very few miles on the tires they decided to move up front; at least have the common courtesy to discuss it with me before you do something I don't want. After an hour and half wait, I finally had the pleasure of paying for the install. I noticed later that the labels weren't removed from the tires so I have been driving with the tread covered up on my new tires.
While I was waiting, another gentleman had the pleasure of having one of the technicians break the TPMS sensor on his car; he was in a hurry to get to his next appointment but had to wait for the technician (or whoever) to go get a replacement sensor. Another gentleman had been in the night before but was back because the technician had broke one of his studs (? looked like a large bolt) and it was being repaired.
My total wait time was an hour and a half. In that time, a lady came in after me without an appointment, bought a roof top carrier, and had it installed. Apparently my appointment didn't mean a thing.
I highly recommend that everyone avoid this Sears location.