I miss the glory days of Buffalo. Ten years ago while I was in high school, (gawd. I feel old) this used to be my favorite store. It was a great place to find unique/alternative clothing at a decent price. Better yet, I was apparently a stylish young thang because whenever I cleaned out my closet and took it here, I would get at least $65 in store credit to get some new digs.
These days, I feel like Buffalo relies more heavily on the brand than they used to. Its not uncommon to find used jeans here for $60 or jackets for $45 - all because of the label. I'm sure its still a great bargain, its just not "nice thrift store" that I grew up on. Its also become increasingly difficult to sell my clothing here - if I bring them 10 items, I'm lucky if they take one.
They need to figure out a way to improve their line to sell stuff. I went in last night and there were 6 people already waiting with ONE employee "buying" things. I knew I actually wanted to look at clothes before I had to make dinner, so I threw my bag of stuff I wanted to sell in the car and just went inside to shop. They need some kind of number system where I can shop AND still have my place in line.
*pours a forty for the "old" Buffalo*