| - I go to this Target because it's the closest to me. But - with the horrendous experiences I have had lately (coupled with those from the past), I'm not sure I will go here again. I have had the occasional good experience - which is the reason for the second star. But after the reasons I am listing below - I would rather drive further to have a good experience.
1. Last weekend I purchased 3 Gimme Seaweed snacks, 4 6 packs of pepsi (target really does have the best price) and a few other items. When I got rung out - I noticed that my pepsi did not get on my receipt. I will give the girl credit - she really did scan it. So i paid for my soda separately. Well, when I got out to the car - I looked at my receipts - I had been charged for 6 seaweed snacks. They were on sale 3 for $5. Had it been $1 difference - I would have moved on but $5 is a couple gallons of gas! I took my bag back in, took it to customer service. I was accused of stealing 3 snacks - leaving them in my car. REALLY!? The girl who could have walked out with 4 6 packs of soda?! I told her she was welcome to come look in my car - which she refused. They also wouldn't give me my $5 back. I tried by speaking with a manager. So if I wouldn't have told my cashier about my 4 packs of soda - would I had been accused of stealing again?!
2. I went yesterday - MLK day around 12:30ish. Being a holiday I expected it to be busy - but it really wasn't that bad. I always look in the cold food section - as I like their simply balanced milk and a few other things. First - this area had about 8 employees 6 empty shopping carts and a few of those big silver carts. You could barely get around - and not a single employee would talk to you. That's ok - I get it, your taking expired food off shelves and putting fresh out? Well...I look at the Parmesan cheese (Not Kraft!) randomly - thinking I may buy some. (sale!) However, there was a HUGE clump of mold in the middle. So I say to one of the 8 employees - Hey - this has mold in it, and hand it over. He inspects it (in silence), says "hm", and proceeds to put it back on the shelf. Blue cheese has mold dude...NOT parmesan! WHAT THE HECK. I go and get the container with intentions of taking it to customer service. (I got it to a manager, told her the situation, and moved on).
3. Same day (MLK day). Cashier...I have a cashier I avoid due to past experiences. She throws your stuff, is rude, and unpleasant. They really need to step up their cashier game. Every single one seems miserable. This trip I had gotten eggs, milk, pasta and sauce. I told her I had cartwheel and a gift card. I had her my phone and my gift card. She scans the gift card first - then flips out on me because I didn't give her my cartwheel first and payment must be done first. Argh. I apologized but said - I handed you both - you got to decide what you scanned first. But the best part was when I got home. She bagged my eggs with my GLASS JARS OF PASTA SAUCE. As you can imagine - 3/4s of my eggs didn't make it.
These are just 3 examples of how downhill this Target has gone. I love the closeness, I LOVE Target. But not this one. I'm not asking for them to bend over backwards for me. But don't put the moldy cheese back on the shelf! And for heavens sake - don't put heavy glass pasta jars in a plastic bag with a carton of eggs.