I live one minute from CPK and decided to get a to-go order for my friend and I. The woman placing the order was very nice and professional, I waited the appropriate amount of time and pulled up to the restaurant lots of to-go parking that's a plus I decided not to call the number and have them bring it out to my car, it was a Saturday and I assumed they were busy (I assumed wrong) I was trying to be considerate and not make them rush it out to my car. Waiting at the to-go station and waiting and waiting employees are looking at me but no one is acknowledging me. They are not busy and I am standing at the to-go desk with my credit card tapping on the counter and employees keep looking at me, exactly what do they think I am there for? To admire the decor and 90's yellow tile? After about 6 minutes I am getting really angry. I finally went to the host station because they weren't busy no one was flocking into this establishment in droves. I asked "is anyone there to get my order?" The host went to get someone, ironically the person who came over to help me finally was one of the ones who had been starring in my direction for the past 8 minutes. I almost lost it when the electronic tab asked me if I wanted to leave a tip, "here's a tip pay attention". The pizza it was good the appetizer good but $30 and feeling annoyed, next time I'll spend 1/3 of that buy it at the grocery store and heat it up at home. I feel like a lot of reviews are in reference to their service over the past few years here's tip #2 read reviews.