Always have some kinda problem with the car wash.
From a long road trip I had stains on my car that needed to be washed. They were from a tree that dropped flowers, I came to wash my car with the best choice of hand wash package. My car was washed I came home and noticed the staines were still there, I had to drive back to the car wash and show them what was going on. So then they told me that those staines don't wash off and I need to repaint my car. So I go home sad from the news my car paint got messed up from a new car I just bought a month ago. So I got a sponge and "Loc" Multicleaner from Amway and wash off those staines at home. Had to rinse the car at a quick wash drive through. And for something I could do myself that someone can't do even when you buy best wash. From now on I try to avoid them.